Sunday, January 4, 2009

Robeez Infant/Toddler Snowman Slip-On Perfect for Children

Our oldest daughter wore Robeez from the time she was three months (to hold her socks on) until she was about 18 months. It was a very sad day when we decided to put her in more supportive shoes. One of her feet was turning in a bit and experts thought that high tops would be better for her. We now have 11 month old boy/girl twins and while my youngest daughter has received all the hand me downs from her sister, I just got my son his first two pairs of Robeez. I got him the blue snowman and another pair, I also picked up the pink snowman for his twin. OMG I put them on and they are just so stinkin' cute! They are fantastic for keeping their socks on and are great protection for their little feet! I love these shoes!!!